Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I do have more details about talks with doctors - another one today, but I want to hold off on that and share an interchange David and I had over the weekend.

As we were talking this weekend, David brought up the fact that his left foot remains stubbornly unwilling to the restoration he is experiencing in the rest of his left side - can't move that foot - can't wiggle those toes. He then grabbed a devotional booklet,"Our Daily Bread," and read to me from the November 13 page. It said:
In a commencement address to a graduating class at Miami University, columnist George Will gave some statistics that help to diminish our sense of self-importance. He pointed out that “the sun around which Earth orbits is one of perhaps 400 billion stars in the Milky Way, which is a piddling galaxy next door to nothing much.” He added, “There are perhaps 40 billion galaxies in the still-unfolding universe. If all the stars in the universe were only the size of the head of a pin, they still would fill Miami’s Orange Bowl to overflowing more than 3 billion times.”

There is a plus side to all that overwhelming data. The God who created and sustains our star-studded cosmos in its incomprehensible vastness loves us. And He doesn’t just love the human race as an entity of multiplied billions. He loves us individually. What Paul exclaims to be true about himself is true about each of us in all our insignificance: Christ “loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).

Astronomically, we are insignificant. But we are the beloved objects of God’s care. While we have no reason for pride, we are inexpressibly grateful to the Lord whose love for us personally is revealed at Calvary’s cross.

by Vernon Grounds
David was struck by the facts there - the immensity of creation - and wanted to share that with me. When he had finished reading it to me, he said, "Isn't that amazing?! We are so insignificant, and yet God cares about every detail of our lives, even about my toes wiggling."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David and Heidi, I'm not closely acquainted with what you're going through on a day to day basis, but I'd like to register my cheers for your three fantastic kids. They are respectful, cheerful, hard-working young men and I am happy and proud to be their teacher. None of that has changed one iota since your family's traumatic event, and I for one am amazed at them. Amy Maris