Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Stuff

I have a great new job, and I also now have no life, but although my vision is filled with the following nearly 24/7, I want to get some pictures up of fall activities for family and friends far away (and nearby too). There is a lot going on, and for now I'll let my family take it in, and I'll try to catch up over Christmas vacation.I move from one table to the other - to the floor - back to a table - keeps me from cramping up over long periods of time.We have a new house:Someday I hope to read some books in the new house.The boys (including David) are enjoying the pool.The boys are also enjoying the new experience of having a 2-story house.We continue to cheer on the Enochs cross-country team, and especially Anthony (who in this picture is hidden behind the second person from the left).We've had some weird - and beautiful - weather.Caleb has found his true identity as "ketchup boy" (aka "Chip" in his youth group).We are so thrilled that Mike and Amy and Sierra and newly arrived Ava live so near us now - in a home we can see from our new home! Another reason I'm eager for break is to have some time with them!We took a quick trip to one of our favorites - Knight's ferry:Here are my special guys at Knight's Ferry. I need to get back to my "task" and not lay it aside, but I need to record that life is going on in my near vicinity anyway, and I'm eager to rejoin it soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heidi, Your pictures are delightful especially Knight's Ferry. I used to go there often when I was young. Have you seen the grave marker that says something like "friends, for she did have some!"
Love and prayers for you and your wonderful family,
Sharon Chastain (Gracie's grandma)