Monday, January 22, 2007


Wow! We feel so loved! We received an amazing amount of prayer support and hugs and just felt surrounded by love during and after David's medical issue last week.

David is doing GREAT! We're continuing to pursue testing and the best possible preventative treatments, but, other than that, life is going on entirely as usual.

David is appreciating all the extra hugs from friends, family and coworkers but seems a little embarrassed about all the attention and is really downplaying the whole thing.

There is one thing, however, that he is playing to the hilt! The doctor told him he would be experiencing short term memory loss. He has already been exploiting this information, and I think that is just going to be his blanket excuse for forgetfulness for the rest of his life!

"I'm sorry, I don't remember that. I've had a stroke, and I have short term memory issues."

He'd better not try using that excuse when our anniversary rolls around - especially not with our twentieth this year!!


Anonymous said...

Ohmigoodness, Heidi! I can't imagine what your family has been through since I last talked to you! I am so thankful for you that David is okay and thank you so much for sharing how God's grace has been evident in the situation. I will be praying for you and your family!

Heidi said...

Thanks to you, Ellen, and to Stacey and Paula and Lori and Joan who commented earlier - and to all who read and prayed without commenting.

I was talking to one of my professors today about the situation, and he asked me if I knew were the word "stroke" came from. I didn't, so he shared with me that it was originally "a stroke of God's hand or a touch of God's hand; God touches you and you fall down."

I shared with him that in a sense it was a touch of God's hand because in so touching David God has allowed us to know what is going on inside and how to take precautions against future danger.

In so many ways in the last week we have been touched by God.

Anonymous said...

Dear Heidi. I was so caught up in your "telephone-poem blog" that I did not read on, the last time I visited your site. Just now I read what you and your family have gone through. I am sorry to hear it. In these situations I find myself a little lost for words. I am not particularly believing, but at the same time recognize the blessing that is mixed in with this stroke. It is good to hear, how it is possible to take what comes in the way that you do. I can learn something here I think. Thank you for sharing this very personal experience with us. All the best to you and your family in adjusting your everyday lives to this.