On Saturday, May 24, 2014, Anthony graduated from Calvin College with a double major: Mathematics and Philosophy. He heads to University of Oregon in the fall to pursue a Ph.D. in mathematics.
Calvin College Arena packed out for the ceremony:
Anthony being congratulated by President Michael Le Roy:
Each department has up a poster of all its grads. Here are the posters from the philosophy and mathematics departments:
Lots of hugs and congratulations from family and friends:
Celebrating together with a very special friend, Brianna:
A sampling of pictures with some of his profs - first picture is of his research team from his freshman year (and since Professor Bolt has an Erdos Number of 8, Anthony and Rebekah now have Erdos Number 9, which is way cool!).
Good-bye to good old North Hall, home of Calvin's math department:
Leaving campus as an alumnus: